
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Ragnarok M: Shadow Chaser

Hello fellow stalkers! I'm sure we all are waiting for the release of 3rd jobs and to us, it is the Shadow Chaser! If you are like me who played in CN but did not have the chance to use a Shadow Chaser, well I'm sure this article will be helpful to you since we will tackle all of the skills and what I think about them.

If you also have your thoughts, be sure to post your comment below so that we could have a healthy discussion. Now, let's begin!

note: all of the images below are from our friends in please be sure to visit their site for more helpful tips and guides!

Shadow Chaser Skills

Let's start with the one that is causing all the fuzz. This skill is said to be the reason why Shadow Chasers are OP in episode 4.

Magic trap

As you can see, one of the damage variables of this skill is the INT of the enemy. At first I thought this will deal less damage to STR or ADL types but I remembered that almost all classes have stat bonuses coming from job levels. Another thing is that, in WOE, all players are being blessed by priests which means this skill already has a minimum INT variable of 10. Even if this skill does not kill your enemy, they will be depleted of SP nonetheless. I saw videos on youtube where SCs place this skill on the portals in WOE. Keep that in mind, it is actually a good strategy.

Reject sword

I find this skill very helpful to dagger users. Not only it will decrease the enemy's attack, it improves yours by 20% as well. The only catch is, it only applies if your enemy uses daggers or swords. 

Chaos panic

In case you don't know, chaos status is the same as confusion. If you have been playing a lot of RPGs before then you would know that chaos/confusion causes the enemies to either direct it's attack onto another enemy or player or simply it would change the normal movement mechanics (like going to the right when you want to go left).

Auto Shadow Spell

I don't think this is useful if you have EDP or even any other support skill on plagiarism. However, if you have an active attack skill on plagiarism, then that's a different story - for example, frost driver. 

Camouflage Shooting

It's no surprise that this skill is going to be helpful for TS or ADL types. Especially if you are fighting a sinx or an ADL hunter toe to toe.

Deadly infect

How I wish this skill works on MVPs too. But we all know MVPs are immune to status ailments. Still, this skill will be helpful in WOE - as a good defense skill.

Threatening Menace

50% decrease in ATK! Imagine that. And to think, there is no skill or attribute in ROM that counteracts debuffs like this - directly decreasing the enemy's attack. Too bad I'm a bow type. 

Break Individually

Ambush+backstab combo will benefit greatly from this skill. What more if you use intimidate or close confine with this?

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